Agency Workers Regulations

Effective from 1st October 2011

What is AWR?

Are you confused about the new EU legislation?

Are you unsure how this will affect you and your school’s budget?

You may be aware that as of the 1st October 2011, new legislation was introduced which will affect all Agency Workers and the institutions that hire them. Agency Workers Regulations (AWR) will affect any individual who works through a recruitment agency and any employer, school or business. Therefore, this will affect every school and academy in the UK who employs an Agency Worker i.e. teacher, cover supervisor, teaching assistant, or any other member of staff through a recruitment agency.

Schools are unable to opt out of AWR; it is European legislation designed to provide Agency Workers with equal treatment. Failure to adhere to this legislation can result in a fine of £5000.

How can we help you?

Education 365 are working to ensure that the schools we work with are fully aware of what the changes are, what the schools responsibilities are and what we are doing to facilitate a smooth and informative process, allowing AWR to be easily implemented.

All our consultants are able to explain the implications to your school and the steps you need to take to ensure you adhere to the legislation.

Key Points:

  • What does your school need to do?
  • The ‘Hirer’ status of your school
  • What is Equal Treatment?
  • The qualifying period
  • How Education 365 will ensure compliance
  • Cost implications

Please call the 365 team if you have any questions or require further information.